Here, I want to talk about a very common and very serious problem for your Monstera Plant. We will be talking about How do you get rid of Pests in Monstera. I have seen that this is a very very common disease among this monster community every day.
The Pests and insect attacks cause yellow leaves in your Monstera plant. Eventually, Monstera leaves will become drooping & curling.
As I have experienced, houseplant pests and diseases are one of the main problems every plant lover faces.
How do you get rid of Pests in Monstera?
To get rid of it, I used mainly Neelam Oil Treatment which is a good organic pest control method. This is a Magic oil for me. Also, you can use Sticky Trap for Insects which you can buy from any market. The best way of abounding the plant from getting affected is, to keep the Monstera plant in a safe place where bugs can not reach.
I want to show you the weapons that I used to destroy all this unwanted stuff.
so, let’s talk about it
01- Neem Oil Treatment to Get Rid of Pests and Insects Attacks
When it comes to How do you get rid of Pests in Monstera, I have been struggling with the inside problem for a while in the past. But now I am totally done with it. Because I used this neem oil. This is a magic oil believe it or not. After I use neem oil I don’t see any pests and Insects in my soil anymore.

So, I totally recommend grabbing one of these and you know destroy all this and want it instead and pests.
What is neem oil insecticide?
Before we jump into how I use neem oil, I want to talk a little bit about what actually neem oil is and where we get it from.
Neem is one of the common plants in Southeast Asia. Especially in India, people have made products made from neem trees for medical purposes for centuries. Also, in Asia people eat mean flowers and leaves as an herb.
Neem oil became very popular among planters o you know avoid pests and insects disease nowadays. They are organic and won’t harm your kids and pets indoors.
So, they are totally safe to use and this is also affordable this is 100 milliliter which you can use for quite a long time. I pay about 9$ – $10.
If you use neem oil for your plants you don’t need to use just plain neem oil. You have to mix with lots of water and mix with soap.
How to Use Neem Oil to get rid of Pests in Monstera plant?
This is how I use neem oil.
- Mix with one teaspoon of neem oil and one teaspoon of dishwashing soap with one liter of warm water.
- Mix them very well
- Spray them on the leaf but it has a little bit strong smell.
- Make sure they are totally wet
- Then you just let them sit there for a while and let them totally dry.
Use this neem oil once a week. But, you can use it every day. Some people like to use it once in 10 days.
Don’t use it more than once a week so that it can harm your plant. Because this is very strong stuff.
Mainly, I like to use the Neem oil for the leaf shine purpose too. I think I totally agree with it. Because after I use Neem oil, the next day all my plants are so shining and close and very healthy.
If you want to use this for a leaf shine purpose, you can use one teaspoon of Neem oil and one liter of water & Mix it very well and spray on the leaf and wipe it up.
Neem Oil also helps to wipe off all gas so your plant can breathe and take all that energy from the sun. This is the extra benefit of wiping your leaf regularly.
But, don’t put your plant next to the window where it can have very high-temperature sunlight that can burn your healthy monstera Plant.
After you use the neem oil, you might bring your plant a little bit inside you. Keep it in where they can have shade.
But, if you want to use neem oil for the outdoor plants, then do it on a cloudy day or in the evening so that you can avoid the very strong sun.
Additional Tips on Using Neem Oil to get rid of Pests & Bugs in Monstera plant
- Before you spray, test on a just small area of the leaf and spray and leave it for 24 hours. Then see what it looks like if they look burnt or if they look harmful, then you should not use them for that House plant.
- If you don’t have Neem oil or if you don’t have any essence for the Neem oil, you can also use only the dishwashing soap and water. Mix it very well and spray it around.
- Once Neem Oil is sprayed. Water your Monstera Plant regularly.
- Try to apply Neem Oils on Yellow leaves. This may help leaves to avoid drooping & recover from yellow leaves.
02- Hanging Sticky Bug Traps
This is a super common method most of the plant lolevrs do. I think this is very useful too. This guy attracts all insects & pests.
This is how it is,

When I peel it, the butterfly remains sticky so that all the flies will stick there. This is also one of the options besides the neem oil.
03- Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew

This is by a brand called Bonide. This is a product that you can find quite readily in any garden center or plants chopped or even on Amazon or probably even a big-box store.
This is something I highly recommend using. This is an organic spray and it is a spin acid spray. The spin acid is what’s actually in a lice shampoo.
This Fantastic formula also kicks off bugs in monstera soil. It also leads off white bugs on monstera.
But, it says right there on the front that it even works on spiders & thrips. And it kills trips spider mites larvae of many other things or for outdoor.
This is the product I love most. When I see that I have spider mites on a Monstera Deliciosa plant or trips on a plane, I just take it into the shower or if you have the means of taking it outside.
I would definitely recommend taking your Monstera Deliciosa plant outside to spray with any spray. That especially one that contains some sort of chemical by any means.
congratulations!! You have learn 3 proven tricks on How do you get rid of Pests in Monstera.
I hope, from this post You have learned something new. if you were wondering what is eating your monstera leaves, these methods are Proven and Actionable weapons that I have been using for decades to get pests & insects OFF my Monstera Deliciosa Plant. Out of 3 Options, I would Recommend Neem Oil treatment which is a natural and easy way since no chemical gets involved.
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